Our first full day of Kallah Aleph was a busy one! Although we woke up to a little (or a lot!) of rain, that didn’t stop our campers from having a blast!
Our Coogarim campers had a chance to visit the garden this morning and plant seeds for our Two Tons Together project. They were excited to know that they might get to eat some of what they planted, but more excited the spinach, kale, and peas they planted might be given to someone who is hungry!
Coogarim ended their day with a treasure hunt of epic proportions. They collected pieces of a treasure map all around camp, working as a team to earn each piece. ‘X’ marked the spot in a corner of the volleyball court where jewels were buried in the sand. Each camper had a chance to put together a crown with their treasure and showed them off at Tfilah tonight!
Nesharim spent the day in chuggim. Matilda chug and book making chug were equally popular. We were all impressed with their talents. Their day wrapped up with Hippie Night. Tie-dye, drum circles, and dream catchers filled the night with peace and love.
Dubim campers were off to a running start today, between flag football and the swing, there was no sitting still for Dubim today! They even put together prayer movements for our Tfilah tonight. We loved their creative dance interpretation of Maariv Aravim and had a great time dancing through the sea during Mi Chamocha. Their day wrapped up with a great game of kickball. The game got rained out after a few innings but running back to the cabins in the rain was almost as much fun as playing!
Our Kesher campers showed us their creative side today as they began to plan their Kesher project, a project they will create that will add to the beauty of Camp Kalsman for years to come! We are going to wait to do the big reveal, but we promise you will love what they came up with! They spent their evening learning about Israel with some of our Mishlachat. We aren’t sure what they enjoyed more: the pita and hummus or the skittles!
Our Machonikim are starting to learn what it means to be a Counselor in Training. Their day was spent learning and hanging out together as they explored their changing role at camp. They all show great leadership potential, even when it comes to simple things like helping reset the dining hall for lunch and volunteering to weed in the garden for a few minutes of their free time. Keep your eye on our blog to hear more about their growth this summer.
Our campers are heading to bed for the night to rest up for another busy day tomorrow. We think they have the right idea! Lilah tov from Camp Kalsman!